Thursday, January 11, 2007

Review: Pretend Tempo

So, just to gather my thoughts and ideas about this deck and how it played and how it's supposed to work.

Ideas for this deck come from

Sasori's Helpful Tourny Tips

So, I dubbed the deck Pretend Tempo because at the time I was missing cards to make a build I felt comfortable with. I opted to make do with what I have and run with it and see how it works.

So, things that I liked about the deck: The Mix of Earth/Fire/Wind seems to work. Cards that I find that work for me are Ninja Academy and Tide of the Deadly Combat. However, Once you see this, this promotes a bad hand. I tried to circumvent this with One Morning (because I'm lacking Sakura's Decision).

I do like the effect of using Tide of the Deadly Combat and then dropping a Third Hokage.

I find that I hardly get a chance to use Pass Permit, so often times I sideboard it out.

I like the concept behind Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu.

From playing around with this deck, I was shocked that I still ran into a time where I had no 0 drops. It was so weird. Bad shuffling I guess.

From playing with this deck, I wonder if I should keep it just Earth/Fire or Fire/Wind.

These are just my thoughts and observations for future reference.

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