Saturday, January 20, 2007

Step 1: Become Meijin - Completed

I'm very happy/excited. The main intent for this blogger and our progress was to become Meijin, get people in the Central Illinois area together and hopefully gather more people to play and help facilitate things for people in our shoes that can't travel as often like we do to go to Venues.

David already started posting/hosting tournaments. Now I can follow suit and help out. I'm incredibly excited. Both of us have a wealth of knowledge and it would be great to get other people started. Seeing as how we're both not experienced in hosting tournaments, there will be a learning curve. However, we've already got some insights and ideas from what we've already seen.

Anyways, I encourage people in the Central Illinois area to come find us and help us create a more enjoyable experience for those that are too far from a venue!

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